
Miraculous healings granted the servant of God Noël Pinot

Miss Pauline Gallichet
In 1905, Miss Pauline Gallichet was suffering on her knees. After an improper movement, her condition was worsening and her knees was swelling. All prescribed remedies produced no effect. Two days after, Miss Pauline began a novena to Noël Pinot and stopped all remedy. The seventh day, she found a real improvement and the ninth she was totally cured. The next day, she went to Angers and hiked all the day. She no longer suffered.

 Miss Alphonsine Lequeux was 11 y.o. At the beginning of 1905 she was diseased: A serious ophtalmia. The Doctor thank that it was a stroke. But after measles, the young woman was at risk of going blind.
Her mother pray with the novena to Noël Pinot. No effects.Some people began another novena and she sufferd severely. In fact, she became blind.
At Easter sunday, the mother promises a thanksgiving mass in honor of Noël Pinot, if her daughter was  cured.

Returning home, the mother noted that the suppuration ceased and her daughter saw the right eye. Some days after, she saw with the two eyes.
All the summer, she was in the fields, exposed to sunlight. She no longer suffered. Doctors said : " you will never heal".

Trad: OBNP from: ©ArchivesDiocésainesAngers

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