Fraternity of Oratory Blessed Noël Pinot
Introibo ad altare Dei !
Miraculous healings granted the servant of God Noël Pinot
Miss Pauline Gallichet
In 1905, Miss Pauline Gallichet was suffering on her knees. After an improper movement, her condition was worsening and her knees was swelling. All prescribed remedies produced no effect. Two days after, Miss Pauline began a novena to Noël Pinot and stopped all remedy. The seventh day, she found a real improvement and the ninth she was totally cured. The next day, she went to Angers and hiked all the day. She no longer suffered.
Miss Alphonsine Lequeux was 11 y.o. At the beginning of 1905 she was diseased: A serious ophtalmia. The Doctor thank that it was a stroke. But after measles, the young woman was at risk of going blind.
Her mother pray with the novena to Noël Pinot. No effects.Some people began another novena and she sufferd severely. In fact, she became blind.
At Easter sunday, the mother promises a thanksgiving mass in honor of Noël Pinot, if her daughter was cured.
Returning home, the mother noted that the suppuration ceased and her daughter saw the right eye. Some days after, she saw with the two eyes.
All the summer, she was in the fields, exposed to sunlight. She no longer suffered. Doctors said : " you will never heal".
Trad: OBNP from: ©ArchivesDiocésainesAngers
Commitments 2014
2015... Some men chose to follow Jesus in the Oratory of B. Noël Pinot.
Rev. Fr. GIRARD, and Rev.Fr. ARTARIT blessed the Didier's and Florent's commitments.
Rev. Fr. ARTARIT took his commitment during the last pilgrimage on july .
Thanks God for them !
Rev. Fr. GIRARD, and Rev.Fr. ARTARIT blessed the Didier's and Florent's commitments.
Rev. Fr. ARTARIT took his commitment during the last pilgrimage on july .
Thanks God for them !
1st year in mission !
Dear friends,
One year ago, we started to different missions for street-people in Angers, for isolated people and for mission called "Mary Magdalene". Today a new year began and it's time to improve our way to evangelize. Each of us was sent somewhere in the world or in France. It's a grace. I wish you an happy year ! God Bless you !
Blessed Noël Pinot, pray for us !
One year ago, we started to different missions for street-people in Angers, for isolated people and for mission called "Mary Magdalene". Today a new year began and it's time to improve our way to evangelize. Each of us was sent somewhere in the world or in France. It's a grace. I wish you an happy year ! God Bless you !
Blessed Noël Pinot, pray for us !
3rd Pilgrimage "blessed Noël Pinot"
The Fraternity of Oratory Blessed Noël Pinot
23rd to 25th August
From Avrillé (France) to Le Louroux-Béconnais (France)
The programme includes:
* Share your life
Who can come ?
*Young people
*Elderly persons
* Family
More information here and here.
You can call Matthieu : 0033 7 70 46 13 41
You can write him:
And you can register for the pilgrimage here.
See you soon !
on the traces of
B. Noël Pinot.
From Avrillé (France) to Le Louroux-Béconnais (France)
Join us for spiritual healing on the traces of B. Noël Pinot.
The programme includes:
* Share your life
Who can come ?
*Young people
*Elderly persons
* Family
More information here and here.
You can call Matthieu : 0033 7 70 46 13 41
You can write him:
And you can register for the pilgrimage here.
See you soon !
What said Rev. Fr. Simon Gruget about Noël Pinot?
Rev. Fr. Simon Gruget (Priest from Angers) said about Noël Pinot:
We must hope that the Church will admit Noël Pinot as part of martyr, and Noël Pinot will protect christians from this diocese. Because he loved this diocese and he gave himself for it.
His corpse was transported to the cemetery. In stripping his dead body, someone discovered a subject of penance. (cilice in french)
Original text on
We must hope that the Church will admit Noël Pinot as part of martyr, and Noël Pinot will protect christians from this diocese. Because he loved this diocese and he gave himself for it.
His corpse was transported to the cemetery. In stripping his dead body, someone discovered a subject of penance. (cilice in french)
Original text on
Saint John Paul II about our patron saint !
Saint John Paul the second said about martyr martyrs from Anjou and about Blessed Noël Pinot:
"Such is the Church that I encourage you to form, dear brothers and sisters from the diocese of Angers [...]. Yes, your martyrs invite you to start in the Hope. May they intercede for you ! For you, witness who pass faith, for you, young generation who prepare the christian future in your country.! May the Virgin Mary guide your walk. Wholeheartedly, I pray the Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to bless you, and all of them you embody"
(Traduction by Oratory Blessed Noël Pinot)
The text in french language
"Such is the Church that I encourage you to form, dear brothers and sisters from the diocese of Angers [...]. Yes, your martyrs invite you to start in the Hope. May they intercede for you ! For you, witness who pass faith, for you, young generation who prepare the christian future in your country.! May the Virgin Mary guide your walk. Wholeheartedly, I pray the Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to bless you, and all of them you embody"
(Traduction by Oratory Blessed Noël Pinot)
The text in french language
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